Register New Domain


This process is for those who DON’T have a .com and an account already with IONOS.
Log on to

1. Check Domain

  1. Enter the desired unique ¹“”
  2. Click ‘Check’

¹ “” represents your unique domain name as represented by “” in the image shown

2. Add to Cart

  1. Once the is available for around $1
  2. Click ‘Add to cart’

NOTE: Double Check Price!

Some domains might appear available, but at a premium price(1).
Notice the very expensive “One-time fee”(2). Choose another unique name.

3. Choose Domain Only

You’ll be presented with additional items to include in your order. Do NOT add anything.

  1.  Ensure only the is selected
  2. And a No. 1 is in the cart icon. Click continue.

Don’t add anything else.

4. Add Web Hosting

 For your new .com you’ll need ‘Web Hosting’ for your data.

  1. Choose option 3, “Web Hosting” alone.
  2. Click “Add to Cart”

IMPORTANT: DO NOT add/select anything else.

5. Confirm Selection

 In your Shopping cart you’ll notice

  1. (A) Web Hosting Business
    (B1) Your
    (B2) Free Private Registration (this keeps your Contact information private, that would otherwise be public to everyone.)
  2. Click ‘Continue’.

6. Choose Payment

  1. Now choose your method of payment

7. Enter Billing Info.

If you choose ‘Credit Card’ payment previously

  1. Fill out the form accordingly and choose a password for your account.
  2. Click ‘Continue to payment options’

Choose a non-personal, but strong password if you are sending the login info to us.

8. Add Credit Card Info

  1.  Enter Credit Card info.
  2. Click ‘Continue to Order Review’.

9. Complete Process

Review and complete your order. From here on out your new will be registered within a few minutes once the process is completed successfully.

If you have any questions or run into issues during the process, feel free to contact us

Amit Giant